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cycling routes in Andalucia – Adventure Cycling,

Welcome to Andalucía Cycling

Andalucia Cycling is proud to present the best routes, tours & trails for adventurous cyclists.

cycling holidays in Andalucia

These self guided holidays for autonomous cyclists are the best way to really find for yourself the forgotten byways which criss-cross Andalucia, from the mountains to the sea. 

Of course getting into the saddle, turning the cranks and riding the trail is the fundamental of these tours, however it is the culture, the habitats and the people that add the context to your ride. These adventure cycling routes balance equally the experiences of these cultural encounters found along the way with the cyclists eagerness to ride the adventure.

from the mountains to the sea, across all the sierra, and then, some more

Native cyclists sharing local expertise.

Forgotten byways more often than not lead to lesser known towns and villages. Secluded along these back roads are monuments, curiosities and natural formations that are not included in the standard tour books. Great care and pride is taken in the creation and research of the routes. They are prepared with enthusiasm. After all the route has to be ridden out beforehand. A perk of the job. 

Being a small and specialist enterprise native to Andalucia we have the great advantage of knowing what we do well. These routes are all based on personal experience and explorations, of long summer tours, weekend routes and many many Sunday rides. We have ridden through these, our very own landscapes, discovering for ourselves our own culture and history along the way. We ourselves are adventurous cyclists and we are eager that you too can experience the same fulfillment.

the PatasNegras route

Cycling in the Sierra Aracena

Andalucia Cycling Gravel Cycling in the sierra
Andalucia Cycling Adventure Mountain Biking
Adventure Cycling Cycle Touring

The province of Huelva presents a wonderful range of gravel riding, from the mountains to the sea, one day jaunts & week long adventures. We are developing a range of great gravel rides.

Aside from the classic PatasNegras the sierra has infinite routes, technical rides, caminos and landscapes to lose yourself in.

This is where I personally started, with my panniers, tent, a traditional folded printed map & some beer tokens. It is still where my soul lies,




(0034) 679 984 889